Copyright. International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise 2015
The E. Paul Torrance International Roundtable on Creative Thinking
Today’s computer can replicate all sorts of logical and information processing
tasks but they cannot reproduce the imaginative thought processes of human brain.
Thus, information and logic are cheap, creative thinking is priceless – Chris Griffiths,
CEO ThinkBuzan and author of Grasp the Solution.
The E. Paul Torrance International Roundtable on Creative Thinking aims to refresh the work and legacy of Dr Torrance internationally especially among today's crop of creativity enthusiasts, push the boundary of knowledge on creative thinking as well as increase knowledge sharing within creative thinking sub field. It is hoped that each roundtable session will be written up for online publication on this page on the and as a chapter in KIE creativity book.
Dr Torrance, father of modern creativity: 8 Oct 1915-
Robert J. Sternberg: “I met Dr Torrance only a few times, but I was enormously impressed
with the modesty he displayed, given his pre-
Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) Special Interest Group
Date: 22 June 2016
About RDCA
The RDCA measures eleven aspects of creative thinking such as originality, fluency and flexibility of ideas, risk taking, resistance to premature closure, divergent and convergent thinking, tolerance of ambiguity, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and elaboration.
The RDCA is built upon the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), the most widely
used test of creativity. While the TTCT takes an hour to complete and must be scored
by trained evaluators, the RDCA takes about ten minutes to complete and is scored
The RDCA assesses an individual’s self-
The total raw score is then calculated out of 240 points. The goal of the RDCA is to identify one’s creative strengths rather than to predict creativity. A score above 50% of the total possible points for each factor is judged as above average.
The Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment (RDCA) is a free Apple App offered by
Drexel University’s School of Educa tion and the Drexel-
James Kaufman, Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut, gives a brief talk on creativity to the KIE Conference, 13 August, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
E. Paul Torrance—My Teacher, My Mentor, My Co-
I believed it to be most pleasurable for you to have me share with you an intimate look at Dr. Torrance—especially in this year honoring his 100th birthday. The title of my keynote portends that I will not be focusing on his brilliant theories and research, but rather on my very personal interactions with him and to a lesser extent, but just as rewarding, with his wife Pansy.
Dr Fredricka K. Reisman, Director, Torrance-
E. Paul Torrance: I Called Him Ghandi 2
2015 Lead Discussant: Sandra M. Dingli, PhD
Associate Professor & Founding Director, The Edward de Bono Institute, University of Malta
15:50 – 15:55 |
James Ogunleye, Convenor & KIE Conference Chair Welcome |
15:55 – 16:00 |
Larry Keiser, Director of Special Projects & Certification Officer, Drexel University, USA Chair of Inaugural Roundtable Introductory remarks |
16:00 – 17:00 |
Keynote: Speaker TBC |
17:00 – 19:00 |
Panel of Lead Discussants TBC A panel discussion on creativity – topics TBC |
19:00 – 19.20 |
Looking Forward: Issues for future discussions |
19:20 – 19.30 |
Larry Keiser, Director of Special Projects & Certification Officer, Drexel University, USA Chair of Inaugural Roundtable Concluding remarks |
19:30 – 22:00 |
Wine Reception, Networking & Guitar Performance: no- |
I first became acquainted with E. Paul Torrance’s work in 1984 in an extension course called “Creativity for Teachers.” The text was The Search for Satori and Creativity.
Kathy Goff is Director of the Oklahoma Torrance Center for Creativity.